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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 布什总统为何取悦非法移民(附图)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/01/18 10:28  北京青年报





  Pat Oliphant, himself an Australian immigrant to the US, does not care for the plan President Bush announced last week to resolve the question of undocumented immigrants in the US. The president proposes to create a class of "temporary workers". Immigrants illegally in the US and those who wish to enter the country would get a three-year work permit if they can show that they are already employed in the US (illegally, of course) or have a job waiting for them. The permits, if approved by Congress, would be renewable. Although the response among citizens has not been enthusiastic, Mexican President Vicente Fox has warmly endorsed the plan.

  In Oliphant's cartoon we see two lines, one for legal immigrants -- a small number of obviously middle-class people well prepared for life in the US -- and a huge mob of illegal immigrants. The mob represents the 8 million or more mostly Latin American immigrants estimated to be in America illegally. Notice how Oliphant depicts them: an eager, unruly hord of happy peasants who refuse to line up properly -- very bad behavior in the US. (But also note the security guard in the lower left, a decidedly unflattering caricature of a native-born American; when Oliphant is drawing, nobody gets off lightly.) The point is that in getting "a foot in the door" through Bush's reforms the illegal immigrants are beating out the people who have obeyed the law.

  At the front desk we see Vice President Cheney looking none too pleased (many conservatives disapprove) and President Bush next to a big bureaucratic stamp. Bush is addressing the crowd over the loudspeaker. What is the "bit of cheap pandering" that Oliphant has him (improbably) refer to? Electioneering: an effort to win more votes from Hispanic citizens this November and, in future decades, from newly naturalized Americans who are, at the moment, unlawful sojourners in the country.

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