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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Commitment(承诺)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/01/21 09:38  北京青年报

  What I'm looking for is a love that's forever,/ someone who can capture my soul in a heartbeat/ and stay for all time./ What I'm praying for is a match made in heaven,/ someone who will worship my body/ and still put his heart on the line./ Commitment: someone who'll go the distance./ I need somebody who'll stand power/ and make me go weak in the knees./ Commitment and everything that goes with it:/ I need honor and love in my life from somebody/ who's playing for keeps./ What I'm searching for is a man who'll stand by me,/ who'll walk through the fire/ and be my flame in the night./ I won't settle for less than what I deserve:/ a friend and a lover who'll love me/ for the rest of my life.

  ... Yeah, I've had promises broken,/ three words left unspoken./ They just left me aching for more./ But I've found temptation./ I won't be impatient:/ there's one thing that's worth waiting for:/ commitment...(拨打1601199再拨54143可听)



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