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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Agilent Opens Shanghai Venture

Agilent Opens Shanghai Venture
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/02/17 10:20  Shanghai Daily

  Agilent Technologies Inc announced yesterday the opening of a new semiconductor solutions center in Shanghai to speed its expansion in China.

  The world-class communication, electronics, life sciences and chemical analysis industries firm established Agilent Semiconductor Solution Center and Agilent Technologies Trading (Shanghai) Co Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary, in the city yesterday.

  The center aims to deliver the company's semiconductor solutions to Chinese handset manufacturers such as Ningbo Bird Corp and TCL Communication Equipment Co Ltd. The local subsidiary is going to develop a strong supply chain and logistic system for the company's domestic customers.

  "China is a significant and growing part of Agilent's semiconductor business because of its fast-growing mobile phone population," said Young K. Sohn, president of Agilent semiconductor products.

  The Ministry of Information Industry reported that the number of Chinese mobile users reached 268.69 million by the end of last year and the number is expected to hit about 320 million this year.

  The state-level authority also said that home-grown handset makers, such as Bird and TCL, occupied more than 50 percent market shares by sales last year.

  International giants like Nokia and Motorola have felt increasingly strong competition from Chinese counterparts who have more extensive sales network.

  "The venture will also strengthen our supply chain in China and boost our revenue in the country in future," Sohn added. Agilent's Chinese revenue reached US$500 million last year. It posted a worldwide sales of US$6.1 billion in the same period.

  By then, the Chinese market will surpass Japan as the world's second largest buyer for Agilent, second only to the US, said Wayne Chan, the company's Chinese president.

  The company also confirmed it will increase investment in China without revealing any figure. Last year, Agilent declared its intent to invest US$100 million in China over five years.

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