情人节的口语题目总汇 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/02/17 10:59 无忧雅思网 |
发贴:georgeyyf Section One: Name? How can I call you? Section Two: Do you wath TV; What TV programs do you like to watch; Do your parents let you watch TV as you like; Where do you live; Compare the advantages and disadvantages of houses and flats; Section Three: Describe your favourate kind of animal. You sould say "What it is", "How you know it." "Why you like it".不能说Panda啊,否则老师要睡了。 Discussion related to Section Three: What is your point of view on keeping pet? Describe its advantages and limitations; What are the characteristics of different of animals; 其他人考试Topic:描述你家珍藏了很多的一件物品;你喜欢的一场电影;描述一本书。 大家考好啊。 ------------------------------------------------ 发贴:fengjing00 Describe an older person influence on you! Who is he/she? When did you meet him/her? Follow Q:Is it a responsiblity to look after the older person........ ------------------------ 第一部问有问到我你对学习英语有什么建议。第二部分我遇到的topic是描述你家里的old things是什么东西,什么时候买,为什么你还保留着?有同学遇到讲library的。第三部分他问了我很多问题。例如你认为有什么东西会从上一代传到下一代。你认为那些人都会接受这些传下来的物品吗?还有那些照片和objects保留在博物馆有什么价值。 ------------------------ Describe your favorite animal. What is it? How do you know it? Why do you like it? |
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