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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Canada Pursues Expanded Trade

Canada Pursues Expanded Trade
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/02/23 12:58  Shanghai Daily

  Canadian Minister of State for International Trade Gar Knutson yesterday called for closer Sino-Canadian trade and investment ties so that bilateral trade could be doubled in six years.

  "Canada is committed to exploit opportunities with the emerging economic giant - China," Knutson said during a luncheon in Shanghai yesterday.

  "We welcome Chinese companies to bring expertise and set up joint ventures in Canada in areas of manufacturing, agricultural and food processing, high-tech and engineering where they have a competitive advantage."

  Shanghai is Knutson's third stop after Beijing and Shenyang during his visit to China, which started last Saturday and ends today.

  It's the first ministerial visit from Canada after Prime Minister Paul Martin took office in December.

  China and Canada agreed last December to double bilateral trade by 2010.

  "That means not only doubling trade in goods in both directions but also doubling trade in services, investment and technology partnerships," he said.

  Knutson said there are a lot of opportunities, including in the transport, information technology, energy, mining, construction, agriculture, food processing and environmental industries.

  China's mainland is Canada's third-largest trading partner after the United States and Japan. It's also the fourth-largest export market for Canada after the United States, Japan and the United Kingdom.

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