美国第一夫人想看电影《基督受难》 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/02/23 13:20 北京青年报 |
耶稣搬上银幕 First Lady Laura Bush said on February 17 that she would like to see Mel Gibson 's controversial film about the final hours of Jesus Christ, which Jewish leaders have condemned as an anti-Semitic portrayal of the crucifixion story. Here Gibson is shown on the set of the film, talking with actor Jim Caviezel, who portrays Jesus. |
美国第一夫人想看电影《基督受难》 |
美国第一夫人劳拉·布什于2月17日说,她想看梅尔·吉布森导演的有争议的电影。这部电影写的是耶稣受难前的最后几小时,而犹太教领袖谴责该电影与犹太教所描述的耶稣被钉死在十字架上的形象相悖。图为吉布森在电影拍摄场地,与饰演耶稣的演员吉米·卡维泽尔谈话。 |
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