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Rambert Dance Company Performed In Beijing
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/02/26 13:10  北京娱乐信报

  Rambert Dance Company Performed In Beijing.

  During this Spring Festival season dance lovers in Beijing had their eyes opened to the ever-changing world of contemporary dance by Rambert Dance Company of Great Britain.

  Rambert Dance Company was established in 1926. It is Britain's dance company with long histoty.

  This time the Rambert Dance Company presented four of the best pieces from its repertoire in China from renowned choreographers including Karole Armitage Hans van Manen and Rafael Bonachela.

   "21" is Rafael Bonachela's new piece about celebrity worship. The piece has 3 sections each lasting 7 minutes. The work opens with a trio of females who perform an intricate routine that incorporates daring lifts and skilful maneuvers. At the beginning of the second section a huge gauze screen flies in at the front of the stage onto which a film of Kylie Minogue is projected. Bonachela has close connections with Kyliehaving choreographed her "Fever 2002" tour. Not only does the piercing little voice of Kylie Minogue feature in Benjamin Wallfisch's accompanying scorebut her face and body cast a giant video spell over the dancers during the whole of the work's middle section. The dancers are visible through the screen and appear to interact with Kylie. The final section uses all 14 dancers and becomes much faster in pace. There are moments when the dancers move in unisonwhich creates a very powerful atmosphere.

  Hans van Manen's "Visions Fugitives" takes its title and structure from Prokofiev's accompanying musical miniatures and explores a different dance idea in each of its 20 sections. Most of the choreography is light fleet and fantastical showcasing the pleasure of dance as pure craft and invention. But van Manen is wary of doing the simple thing. At the end he slips in a little duet where the man having balanced his partner in a neck hold apparently strangles her and leaves her for dead.

  The other two pieces are "Living Toys" and "Pre-Sentient". For all of Beijingers this really was a good chance to open the eyes and hearts to a new art form by seeing a world-class contemporary dance group performing four of their best and newest pieces - Rambert Dance Company.






  “性感天后凯丽-米诺的梦幻--21”是拉非尔伯纳切拉关于对演员崇拜的新作。本章有3节,每节7分钟。开场由3个女性演员表演一段复杂的常规舞蹈,其中加入大胆的举起动作和技术调遣。第二节开始时,一幅巨大的薄纱屏幕飞到舞台正前方,上面正在放映关于凯丽-米诺的电影。Bonachela与凯丽关系密切,曾为她的“热焰红唇”巡回演唱会编舞。整部作品的中间章节里,不仅展示了凯丽-米诺带有Benjamin Wallfisch曲风特色的小尖嗓子,她的脸庞和身体也以巨大的视频形式出现在舞蹈演员之前。透过屏幕可以看到舞蹈演员,好象他们是在和凯丽一起表演。最后一节14个舞蹈演员全部登场,舞蹈的节奏也变快了。当舞蹈演员做一致的动作时,场景十分壮观。



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