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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《剑桥国际英语教程》录像活动样章(视频)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/02/26 14:23  新浪教育

  在线播放:At the mall of America


  At the mall of America

  People talk about the largest mall in North America as they look and shop.

  Reporter: Hi, there. This is Neil Murray speaking to you from the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota. And what is the Mall of America, you ask? Would you believe the biggest shopping and entertainment mall in the entire United States? Here at the mall of America, you'll find our major department stores, all under the same roof…. Plus, hundreds of other places to shop. There are fourteen cinemas…More than forty places to eat…. There's dancing. There is music…. And in the middle of everything, there's Camp Snoopy, an exciting amusement park.


  Reporter: Now, let's ask some people what they're doing here…Is this your first time at the Mall?

  Woman1: Yes, it is.

  Reporter: Why are you here?

  Woman1: For Camp Snoopy, mainly. It's been really fun. We did a little bit of shopping and…

  Reporter: What do you think people should do first when they come to the Mall of America?

  Woman1: Wear tennis shoes!…Wear tennis shoes. I didn't wear them.

  Reporter: Have you been to the Mall of America before?

  Woman2: Uh, yeah, about three times.

  Reporter: Why are you here now?

  Woman2: Because my mom came in from Ohio, and she wanted to go to the Mall of America.

  Reporter: Have you purchased anything yet?

  Woman2: YES. I bought a pair of shoes.


  Reporter: What would you recommend for visitors from another country?

  Woman3: Well, this is a great place to come. I mean, there's everything. It's got everything in it, so if there's anything specific you're looking for, you can find it here.


  Reporter: Hi.

  Young girls: Hi.

  Reporter: What's your name?

  Ashley: Ashley.

  Reporter: And you?

  Corina: Corina.

  Reporter: Where are you from?

  Ashley: Oklahoma.

  Corina: Oklahoma.

  Reporter: What did you do when you got here?

  Cornia: We rode rides and looked at the stores.

  Reporter: Have you eaten any food yet?

  Ashley: No, we were too busy on the rides.


  Reporter: May I ask your name?

  Hernando: Hi. Hernando.

  Monica: Monica.

  Rodrigo: Rodrigo.

  Reporter: Where are you from?

  Rodrigo: I'm from Ecuador. That's in South America.

  Monica: Me, too. Ecuador.

  Hernando: I am from Colombia, in South America, too.

  Reporter: Why are you here at the Mall of America?

  Hernando: Ah, for shopping. Just now for shopping.

  Reporter: Have you bought anything yet?

  Rodrigo: Yeah. Just a couple of tapes.

  Reporter: Well, where are they?

  Rodrigo: they are over here….Just the tapes. We are beginning.

  Monica: Because we just arrived a few minutes ago.

  Reporter: Are you having a good time?

  All: Yeah.



  Reporter: Can you describe the Mall of America in one word?

  Woman1: Wonderful!

  Woman4: Big. Real, real big!

  Man: Outstanding!

  Boy1: Fun!

  Boy2: Good!

  Women: Great!


  Reporter: And that's the way it is, here at the Mall of America. This is Neil Murray saying, why don't you come and see for yourself?

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