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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语快行线:与电影院经理的对话2

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/02 09:21  北京娱乐信报

Telephone Conversation With A Cinema Manager (2)

  Emma is looking for a job at a cinema.

 Emma: And what's the rate of pay? How much is the salary?

 Hugh: It's £5(five pounds) an hour...so working from 4:00 till 6:00, that's obviously £10 a day.

 Emma: Aha--all right. So how do I apply?

 Hugh: Well, (the) best thing is if you come in and see me, and we can fill out an application form while you're here. And that's probably the simplest way, I think.

 Emma: OK. And who do I ask for?

  Hugh: Er...you ask for Steve Wallace.

  Emma: All right. OK.

  Hugh: Thank you, then.

 Emma: Bye.

 Hugh: Bye.














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