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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Australian Race Coming To Town

Australian Race Coming To Town
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/04 08:27  Shanghai Daily

  A popular Australian motor-sport series is closing in on a deal to stage its season-ending race in Shanghai this year.

  The V8 Supercar Series, an annual touring car category, has already put Shanghai on its official calendar for the final race of the 13-leg championship for the 2004 season.

  The Shanghai race will be staged from November 12-14 but the venue was yet to be decided, according to the series' official Website www.v8supercar.com.au.

  "We're currently in the process of confirming this event and an announcement will be made shortly," said Cole Hitchcock, media manager of Australian Vee Eight Supercar Company (AVESCO), in an e-mail interview with Shanghai Daily.

  The V8 Supercar Series, featuring five-liter touring cars of 300 plus horsepower, is Australia's most popular domestic category racing, with 1.4 million people attending V8 Supercar rounds.

  Some of the popular drivers are Marcos Ambrose, Mark Skaife, David Besnard, John Bowe, Neil Crompton and Greg Murphy with last year's title going to Ambrose.

  It's believed that the Shanghai International Circuit, which is scheduled to be completed next month, tops the list of likely venues for the Shanghai race. But SIC, which will stage the inaugural F1 Chinese Grand Prix in September this year, faces competition from Shanghai Tianma Circuit.

  The Tianma circuit, which is located in the suburban Songjiang district, was designed by the same company that also created the Albert Park Grand Prix Circuit in Melbourne.

  The V8 Supercar season will hit the road on March 7 at Albert Park as a supporting event to F1 Australian Grand Prix.

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