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I Like Rock Climbing
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/09 11:45  视听英语Ladder AI杂志

  A: Anita, reporter of Ladder AI English Magazine.

  N: Bruce Nelson, a rock climber from USA.

  A:How long have you been a rock climber?

  N: 10 years.

  A: Do you want to be another Sylvester Stallone?

  N: Of course not. Actually, the true meaning of rock climbing has been distorted by those commercial films. The most important thing for rock climbing is safety. In fact, it is a very safe activity. We are challenging difficulty, not danger. We have good equipment to ensure that.

  A: What do you like about this sport?

  N: The sense of freedom, the intensity of the challenge, the great feeling of success when you have expended the very last ounce of energy, endured such hardship and pain, and finally been able to reach the top.

  A: Do you have any advice for teens who want to try this activity?

  N: Rock climbing, in general, is more of a mental sport than a physical sport. Most people can climb an easy route physically (it’s like climbing a ladder), but having mental preparation is more difficult. To give you an example, think how you would feel standing with your toes over the edge of the curb compared to standing with your toes over the edge of a 400 ft. cliff.

  A: Very helpful answer.Thanks so much!

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