Star’s Interview–Learning Tips | 2004/03/09 17:06 视听英语Ladder AI杂志 |
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Anita: Do you have any special techniques on learning a new language? How do you conquer the difficulties in learning a new language? Jeffrey: When you speak any language, when you are learning any language, you always gotta come across many problems. When I was doing mandarin, there was of course a lot times where I was stuffed with awkward. So I usually watch movies, I listen to music, I try to memorize the lyrics. Anita: Speaking has always been hard when we learn a new language. Do you have any learning tips for our readers? Jeffrey: The secret method to learning is to have confidence, actually to be able to make mistakes and not be afraid to speak. With the first time that I learn Chinese, I know a lot of times everyone was laughing at me because I would always say the wrong things. But when you say the wrong things then you figure out what the right thing is. So I would like to encourage everybody to, you know, make errors, make mistakes because through your mistakes you learn the right way to say it. |
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明星专访 孔令奇学习语言的秘籍 |
Anita:在语言方面你有没有什么特别的学习方法可以跟我们分享的?你是如何克服学习中出现的困难的? Jeffrey:在讲或是学习任何一种语言时,你都会遇到许多困难。当我学习普通话时,也闹了许多次笑话。我通常会看看电影,听听音乐,每次我都要努力把歌词记住。 Anita:“说”是我们在学习第二语言时遇到的一个大问题,在这方面你有什么秘笈要告诉我们的青少年朋友们吗? Jeffrey:学习的秘笈就是要有自信心,不要害怕开口说,要勇于出错。当我开始学习中文时,我知道许多次因为我说错了话,人们在笑话我。但是当你说错之后,你就会领会到怎样说才是正确的。所以我喜欢鼓励所有的人都出错,只有如此,你才能学会正确的说法。 |
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