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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英文金曲:When I look to the sky

When I look to the sky
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/10 10:38  北京青年报

When I look to the sky(当我仰望天空时)


  When it rains, it pours and opens doors/ and floods the floors/ we thought would always keep us safe and dry./ And in the midst of sailing ships/ we sink our lips/ into the ones we love that have to say goodbye.

  And as I float along this ocean,/ I can feel you like a notion/ that won't seem to let me go./ When I look to the sky,/ something tells me you're here with me/ and you make everything all right./When I feel like I'm lost,/ something tells me you're here with me,/ and I can always find my way when you are here.

  And every word I didn't say/ that caught up in some busy day,/ and every dance on the kitchen floor/ [that] we didn't dance before,/ and every sunset that we'll miss:/ I'll wrap them all up in a kiss/ and pick you up in all of this/ when I sail away!

  Whether I am up or down or in or out or just plain overhead,/ instead it just feels like it is impossible to fly...

英文金曲:When I look to the sky


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