新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《视听英语ladder AI》 > 诠释美丽-魅力来自性格和品质

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/16 10:40  视听英语Ladder AI杂志

  Written by Maria R. Chi

  As girls go through puberty, they may sometimes feel a bit awkward. Growing takes time. It may take a few years to develop into a woman’s body. It is important for young girls to remember that our bodies come in all different shapes and sizes! Some girls will have small breasts and some will have large breasts. Some girls will be thin and some girls will gain weight. Some girls may have oily skin and some girls may have very dry skin. However, all girls will grow up to have a unique and individual body shape.

  Pop culture (television, movies, magazines, etc) may tell you that only one body shape is beautiful. Most of the TV actresses and fashion models are very thin and tall. They are considered beautiful. Some girls will go on a diet in order to become very thin because they want to be like a TV actress or model. It is important to remember that this is only beauty on the outside. True beauty comes from the inside; from your character and personality. Would you rather be beautiful on the outside or on the inside?




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