新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《视听英语ladder AI》 > 滚石女歌手 性格特质大不同

Rocks’ Female Members! Different Characters!
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/18 14:53  视听英语Ladder AI杂志

  Glad to see you everyone! Women’s Day is coming this month. It is a festival that commemorates the strike held by New York women workers in America. During the passed decade, the social status of women has been raised tremendously. As we can see from the show biz, women artists with distinctive characters take up a fairly large place. Let’s take a look at them! Pay attention to it, fans! These stars may appear in our magazine one day!

  Type I: Graceful

  Features: Graceful and soft, quiet and mild.

  Best Nominee: Jasmine Liang (梁静茹)

  Frankly speaking, her voice may not be as outstanding as other super stars. Some people even think that her voice is a little bit hoarse. But that is her style - singing with heart and soul. Whenever you feel uneasy and confused, you can always seek answers from her songs. Just because of her“ordinary”way of expressing emotions, her songs can reach the bottom of your heart. She tells you to be strong and wish people you love a good luck even they leave you. If you are hurt, sit down and enjoy her album. You will know that comprehension is not for somebody else, but for yourself.

  (To be continued)

滚石女歌手 性格特质大不同





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