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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 嘻哈当道 酷炫无法挡(上)

Nothing’s Hipper Than Hip-Hop
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/23 12:14  空中美语


  From high school parties in LA, to the steps of Taipei’s Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, it seems that everywhere one goes these days young people are into hip-hop. A cultural movement based on rap music, hip-hop has four main components:“Mcing”(speaking rhythmically over a beat),“Djing”(spinning records and mixing songs together),“breaking”(a very physical dancing style), and“tagging”(graffiti art). In the last twenty years or so, this uniquely American phenomenon has taken the world by storm.

  It all started in the poorest neighborhoods of New York City in the 1970s, when Jamaican DJ Kool Herc created rap by speaking words over reggae beats. Because the only things rap required were quick wits and an equally quick tongue, it caught on with young African-Americans who could not afford music lessons or instruments. Because it had no rules, rap offered them limitless freedom to express themselves. Through rap, they could say anything that was on their minds, as long as they said it with creativity and rhythm.

嘻哈当道 酷炫无法挡(上)





  MC即负责炒热气氛、与观众互动的人(即master of ceremonies或microphone controller之缩写)


  DJ为Disk Jockey的缩写(其两大主要工具为turntable唱机转盘与mixer混音器)

  breaking / breakdancers霹雳舞/霹雳舞者(即hip-hop团体表演的街舞,多为高难度地板动作)

  tagging (graffiti art)涂鸦艺术


  gangsta rap帮派饶舌(80年代末兴起于美国西岸,内容多与都市罪案有关,充满暴力、色欲,是反映现实的一种音乐)

  R&B节奏蓝调(Rhythm & Blues的缩写,为黑人流行乐,hip-hop即起源于R&B )

  dub talk随拍子节奏说唱(toasting和dub talk是牙买加的音乐习俗,为饶舌乐前身)


  1.component n. a part of sth.成分;组成部分

  Lowering costs was a key component of the businessman’s successful plan.


  2.spin v. to turn sth. around very quickly使快速旋转

  My three-year-old son enjoys spinning coins on the floor.


  3.phenomenon n. sth. remarkable that happens or exists现象

  The northern lights result from an unusual weather phenomenon that creates bright colors in the night sky.


  4.wits n. pl. the ability to think quickly and use words in a clever way急智;机智

  Simon used his quick wits to come up with a clever and funny answer to his mother’s question.


  5.creativity n. the ability to be original or to think in new ways创造力

  Our new co-worker has some great new ideas. She’s lucky to have so much creativity.


  6.rhythm n. the beat of a piece of music or poetry节奏

  The rhythm of the music made everyone want to dance.


  More Information

  1.hip adj.赶时髦的;流行的(俚语)

  2.be into sth. idiom对……极感兴趣的(非正式用法)

  3.rhythmically adv.富有节奏地

  4.graffiti n.涂鸦

  5.Jamaican n.牙买加人(牙买加为Jamaica,位于西印度群岛;文中所指的reggae,即雷盖音乐,为该群岛盛行的音乐类型)

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