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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Domestic Violence Strikes Men

Domestic Violence Strikes Men
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/24 10:58  Shanghai Daily

  Women are not always the victims of domestic violence. Social workers in Tianjin said they are witnessing a growing number of abused husbands.

  A small man recently sought help from a women's rights organization in downtown Tianjin. He said he was starving and dared not go home for fear his wife might beat him again.

  "I'm here because I don't know where else I can go," he said. "There's no organization to help male victims of domestic violence."

  He said his wife had beaten him when he tried convincing her to end an affair.

  "She threatened to kill me if I dared fight back," he told the officials. "She's bossy because she's making more money."

  An official with the Hongshunli Community Service, established for female victims of abuse, said the majority of male victims were middle-aged or elderly.

  Despite the maltreatment, some victims hesitate to talk about their problems, because family matters are considered private in Chinese culture.

  "It's not that we've received many beaten husbands, but the trend itself is serious and embarrassing," said the female official.

  Besides physical attacks, many male victims are suffering from psychological violence from their spouses, according to Maishou Consulting Co, an intermediary service that acts as a matchmaker and mediator in family disputes.

  The domestic violence is receiving more public attention, particularly from police, community services, legal agencies and judicial departments.


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