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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语辅导报社专栏 > 初中英语课外学习指导:“喜欢”不同的说法

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/25 13:14  英语辅导报


  叽叽:Would you like a cup of tea.

  喳喳:Yes, please.

  叽叽:Green tea or black tea.

  喳喳:Black tea, please. I like it with sugar and milk.

  叽叽: I like green tea with nothing in it. Here's your tea.

  喳喳:Thanks. Do you like playing games.

  叽叽:Yes, I do. I love to play games with my classmates.

  喳喳:So do I. Do you like singing.

  叽叽:Yes, but I can't sing well. Do you like dancing.

  喳喳:No, I don't like dancing. I find it difficult to learn.

  叽叽:What kind of music do you like.

  喳喳:I like pop music(流行音乐). What about you.

  叽叽:I like pop music, too. What do you think of it.

  喳喳:Well, pop music is very simple, and it's easy to learn the words.

  叽叽:What sports do you like.

  喳喳:I don't care much for sports. What about you.

  叽叽:I like sports such as basketball, football and swimming.

  喳喳:Which do you like best.

  叽叽:I really enjoy swimming. Would you like to go swimming with us this afternoon.

  喳喳:I can't swim.

  叽叽:Don't worry. My father is very good at swimming. He often takes me to swim in the river. Let's ask him to go with us. He can teach you.



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