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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > FLASH“知”性英语 > How to Spend Sunday

How to Spend Sunday
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/26 11:44  English88


  Mrs Li: What are we going to do this Sunday?

  Ben: Let's go to see Leon's concert. He's my favourite singer.

  Kitty: Let's not go to the concert. Why don't we go to see a film instead? There's a film on at the cinema called 'Computer War'. It's very exciting.

  Mr Li: Good idea.

  Mrs Li: I'd rather do something outdoors. Would you like to go cycling?

  Mr Li: No, not cycling. It's too hot. Why don't we go to the beach instead?

  Kitty: Good idea. I really enjoy swimming.

  Ben: So do I.

  Kitty: Let's have a barbecue afterwards.

  Ben: Great.

  Mrs Li: No, I don't like having a barbecue in hot weather.

  Mr Li: Neither do I. Why don't we have some seafood in a restaurant instead?

  Kitty,Ben: Good idea. Let's have some seafood afterwards.

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