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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语辅导报社专栏 > 初中英语课外学习辅导:口语演练(1)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/02 14:01  英语辅导报




  `Tom was `born into a `poor `family. His `father `had a `small `boat and `went

  `fishing in the `morning and `sold the `fish in the `market in the `afternoon. With the

  `money he `earned he `bought `food for his `family. When `winter `came, they were

  `often `hungry. One morning the `hungry `man `fell `into the `river and `wasn't `found `again. `Tom's `mother `married `another `young `man and she `left her `three-year-old `son without saying goodbye. His `aunt had to look after him.

  Twenty years passed. Tom became a tall strong man. He found work on a farm. He worked hard and wanted to earn more money. He often went to see his aunt taking nice presents with him. The woman was very happy, but one day she died in a traffic accident. This made the young man very sad. What was he going to do after he buried her。He decided to buy a beautiful tombstone for her grave. He went to a shop in town, but all the tombstones were too expensive, and he didn't have enough money. He asked, "Do you sell old tombstones, please。" "Yes, we do, sir," answered the shopkeeper. "Are they as expensive as new ones。" "No, they're much cheaper," said the man. "But the other person's name is on it." "It doesn't matter," said Tom. "My aunt couldn't read."

  注释: 1. buried / `berid/ v.埋葬(bury的过去式) 2. tombstone /`tu:mstEun/ n.墓碑3. grave / greiv/ n.坟墓





  1. What's your name? / Would you please tell me your name?

  2. How old are you.

  3. Where are you from? / Where do you come from?

  4. When were you born?

  5. Where were you born ?

  6. You are a League member, aren't you?

  7. How many people are there in your family?

  8. Would you please tell me something about the people in your family?

  9. What does your father do。/What's your father's job?

  10. Where does your mother work?

  11. Does your father like watching TV?

  12. What's your family's favourite food?

  13. Who helps you more with your studies, your father or your mother?

  14. Who is the youngest in your family? 15. Do you have a happy family?


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