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Google to Shake up Free E-mail
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/02 15:40  Shanghai Daily

  Search engine Google Inc has announced it will launch a free, Web-based e-mail service to compete against popular services from rivals Yahoo! Inc and Microsoft Corp.

  Google's service, called Gmail, will include a built-in search function that will let people search every e-mail they've ever sent or received.

  According to company executives, users will be able to type in keywords to sort e-mails or find old messages.

  And it will come with one gigabyte of free storage - more than 100 times what some popular rivals offer and enough to hold 500,000 pages of e-mail.

  But to finance the service, Google will display advertising links tied to the topics discussed within the e-mails.

  For instance, an e-mail inquiring about an upcoming concert might include an ad from a ticket agency.

  For now, Google is opening the service only to invited users but expects to make it accessible to everyone within a few weeks, Google co-founder Larry Page said in an interview.

  Officials at Yahoo and Microsoft's Hotmail division declined to comment.

  But analysts said that Google - whose technology is behind nearly four out of every five Web searches - could shake up the free e-mail market, which includes Yahoo and Microsoft's Hotmail.

  Industry analyst David Ferris said Gmail is a logical extension of the world's most popular search engine.

  But he said Google may run into trouble if it eventually tries to charge for e-mail.

  The company would not provide details of its pricing strategy, but rivals have kept stripped versions of e-mail free and asked users to pay annual fees up to US$30 or more for extra storage and spam protection.

  "I know that companies offering free e-mail are very frustrated because the consumer expects it will stay free - they simply will not pay," said Ferris, president of San Francisco-based Ferris Research.

  "Although there's a clear tendency for these free services to offer for-fee extensions, users are very resistant to taking them up.

  "The level of adoption is very disappointing."

  (The Associated Press)

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