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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Maxim to Lauch Mainland Edition

Maxim to Lauch Mainland Edition
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/02 15:43  Shanghai Daily

  Maxim, a popular men's magazine, began to sell its Hong Kong edition in the city yesterday. China's mainland edition will be launched soon, but with less exposure of women bodies, sources involved in the issue said.

  The initial Hong Kong Maxim magazine has a circulation of 40,000 at 35 Hong Kong dollars (US$4.48). No financial details were disclosed.

  "We are still preparing the mainland edition and are in talks with some domestic publishers. The style of the mainland edition will be a bit different. It has to apply with the Chinese mainland condition and keep the essence of Maxim," said George Lee, project manager with a Beijing-based joint venture between South China Morning Post and Dennis Publishing - Maxim's international licenser.

  The Hong Kong edition kept the style of Maxim magazines sold in other markets, company sources said.

  Lee, who is in charge of the Chinese mainland edition, said the launch date has not been decided.

  Maxim's Website said the Chinese mainland edition will sell for 20 yuan (US$2.41) a copy with an initial circulation of 140,000.

  "China is potentially the most exciting men's magazine market in the world," Kerin O'Connor, Dennis Publishing's international licensing director, said in a statement.

  Dennis Publishing is expected to announce further Asian deals in late spring for Thailand and Singapore.

  The Hong Kong and China's mainland editions will be its 22nd and 23rd international editions launched in more than 30 countries and regions in less than eight years.

  "Currently, China's men's magazines are not as popular as those specially tailored for female readers. The market hasn't taken off yet," said Zhang Bohai, vice chairman of China Periodicals Association. "The existing men's magazines mainly focus on topics like business, health and men's lifestyles. Maxim could be the first one to hit the market with sexy contents as its major selling point.

  "But the publisher must be very careful as they cannot go too far in this kind of content."

  Out of some 9,100 periodicals in today's Chinese mainland market, only 20 are considered as men's magazines, Zhang said, who estimated that the total sales of Chinese magazines amounted to 12 billion yuan last year.

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