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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Students Suffer Food Poisoning

Students Suffer Food Poisoning
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/02 15:43  Shanghai Daily

  Two teachers and 25 students from a vocational boarding school were sent to hospital early yesterday morning for emergency treatment for food poisoning.

  Several factory workers who ate at the same restaurant as the students also reported symptoms of poisoning.

  The students and teachers from Shenlun Secondary School had dinner as usual at the nearby Yuandong Restaurant in Yangpu District on Wednesday. By 9:30pm, several students began to complain of nausea and diarrhea.

  Yesterday morning, more students began to show similar symptoms. Those who looked seriously ill were quickly sent to the nearby Shanghai TCM-integrated Hospital.

  A doctor at the hospital, Yang Guocheng, said they looked pale and were all fatigued due to continuous diarrhea.

  On Wednesday night, four workers from a sewing machine factory and three employees of a print shop who had eaten dinner at the restaurant began suffering diarrhea as well.

  Health inspectors still don't know the exact reason for the food poisoning, but say they will continue investigating the case.

  The Yangpu District Center for Disease Control and Prevention has already collected food samples from the restaurant for further chemical examination. It said the results should be released soon.

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