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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > EU Membership for Unified Cyprus

EU Membership for Unified Cyprus
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/08 11:31  Shanghai Daily

  The European Union head office proposed legislation yesterday to make it possible for a united Cyprus to join the EU if the island's Greek and Turkish communities approve a UN reunification plan in parallel referendums on April 24.

  The EU foreign ministers are expected to approve the legislation on April 26 in Brussels, Belgium. Guenter Verheugen, the EU commissioner in charge of expansion, urged Greek and Turkish Cypriots to back the reunification plan, drafted by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

  "We have reached a point now where strong political leadership is required and I urge the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot leaders to do all they can to convince the people of the island that the plan on the table is the best and most balanced solution that could be reached," the commissioner told reporters in Brussels.

  "I hope the two communities will seize this opportunity and reconcile their differences."

  His plea was aimed especially at Greek Cypriot leaders who negotiated accession to the EU since their government is the only one on the island that is internationally recognized.

  The Turkish Cypriot state is recognized only by Turkey, which maintains 40,000 troops there.

  If Greek Cypriots reject Annan's plan, they will still join the EU but deepen their island's ethnic divide for a long time, according to EU officials.

  "I do not believe that another window of opportunity will present itself" for reunification, Verheugen said.

  He said keeping Turkish Cypriots out of the EU would impact "on the future role of Turkey in Europe."

  In December, the EU is to announce whether Turkey can start its entry negotiations. Officials at the EU head office say that the current government in Ankara is more committed to economic and political reforms than any previous one and stress the importance for the EU to have a stable Turkey on its southern doorstep.

  (The Associated Press)

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