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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《非关男孩》只关成长(上)

About Growing Up (上)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/09 10:58  空中美语



  For most people, accepting greater responsibility is an inevitable part of aging. To Will Freeman, however, the main character in Nick Hornby’s novel About a Boy, each year that passes is another chance for him to postpone“growing up.”Like a modern-day Peter Pan, he is childless and hasn’t the vaguest concept of what it means to be mature.

  Will prides himself on having no responsibility for the feelings of other people. One day, for example, he invents a son and joins a single-parent support group just so he can pick up needy women. Although Will’s pick-up lines fail, through his participation in the group, he meets Marcus, a lonely twelve-year-old boy.

  In many ways, Marcus is Will’s total opposite. Caring for his depressed, suicidal mother has made him mature for his age. Marcus is selfless where Will is selfish. However, when Marcus meets Will, he is busy juggling his concern for his mother with problems at school.





  More Information

  1.pick up sb. v. phr.向……搭讪(此为非正式用法;文中的pick-up lines则指搭讪之词)

  2.needy adj.需情感支持的(needy原意为“缺乏……的”,常指金钱物质有所匮乏,亦可指人在情感上缺乏支柱)

  3.suicidal adj.想自杀的;有自杀倾向的

  4.selfless adj.无私的;忘我的

  5.juggle with v. phr.忙于应付……

英语学习论坛】【评论】【 】【打印】【关闭


1. age

v. 变老

2. postpone

v. 延迟;延缓

3. vague

adj. 不明确的

4. mature

adj. 成熟的

5. pride oneself on sth

v. 以……自豪

6. depress

v. 使沮丧


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