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高中英语辅导:10 Ways to Peace of Mind
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/12 17:28  英语辅导报

  1.Breathe deeply

  When you breathe long and deep,your body gets the message that all is well and it can relax. Shallow breathing,on the other hand, tells your brain you're your body has to be on the alert(警惕),ready to deal with danger. Practice deep breathing by placing your hand just below your navel(肚脐).As you breathe in slowly through your nose, you should feel your abdomen(腹部)expand.Hold your breath for five seconds, and then breathe out slowly. Repeat this progress 10 times, and practice it several times a day.


  There are a number of herbal(草药)preparations on the market that will calm anxiety. Oats(燕麦片)and passion-flower are both effective in treating stress, or try any of a number of combinations that include St John's Wort, which is very helpful in controlling the symptoms of anxiety and tension.


  I imagine that you're lying on a beach, or walking through a rain forest. Close your eyes,take a few long slow breaths, and use the power of your imagination to go where your heart fancies. I magine the scene in detail: the smell of the sea, the warm comfort of the sun.Or,imagine that the stress you are feeling as you sit at your desk is peeling away from you, like a banana skin and making straight for the bin.


  One of the places stress makes its home is around your jaw. As you breathe deeply, you're your mouth wide and, after scrunching(弯you're your shoulders tightly, consciously drop them. Feel the tension fall away. Say along"A-h-h-h"to open up your throat, and then breathe out as you close your mouth. Do this a couple of times, and you'll you're your teeth are no longer clenched and your jaw and back are feeling loose and comfortable.

  5.Feed your nerves

  If you drink coffee or alcohol(酒),if you eat too much sugar or refined(精致的)foods,and if you experience stress from day to day, then it's likely you suffer a deficiency(缺乏)of the water-soluble vitamins and minerals,the ones that are most easily burnt by stress. They include the vitamin B-complex(复合维生素B),vitamin C,calcium(钙),potassium(钾),magnesium(镁)and zinc(锌).A supplement(补充)will top up those particular nutrients-and, to feed your nerves, pep up(激励)your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and whole grains.

  6.Meeta friend

  Studies show that people with social ties are more resistant to stress. In the case of serious illness, the recovery period is faster for those who have supportive friendships.

  7.Say no

  It is easy to take on too much. Make a list of your priorities(需要优先考虑的事),and then have the courage to say a polite, but firm"no" to requests that ask too much of you. Keep in mind that it gets easier with practice and, in the end, your honesty and ability to look after yourself will be appreciated.

  9. Go easy on yourself

  When tasks are piling up and there seems no relief in sight, you might start blaming yourself for not being efficient enough. Stop right here, and state the obvious: there's a lot of word to do. Then, with how to get it under control.

  10.Take time out

  Remove yourself from the hustle and bustle (匆匆忙忙) at least once a day. Sit on your bed for 15 minutes, walk around the garden, or just sit at a window and gaze short time, do it just with you.


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