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Cong Xinzhu's Olympic Passion
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/19 15:19  北京娱乐信报

  Following her success in making her personal contribution to Beijing's bid for hosting the Olympic Games through her songs Cong Xinzhu thought this might be a perfect end to her Olympic passion. But soon after her return from Moscow she received a letter from the Winter Olympic Committee in Salt Lake City USA inviting her to take part in the Olympic torch relay run there.

  Cong said. "One line in the letter struck me in particular. It goes 'You are chosen not because of your sporting capability but because of your contribution to the Olympic Games.' I was pleasantly surprised to find the group I was in was running the stretch through China Town in Los Angelesso lots of local Chinese cheered us and waved our national flags along the way. As the Olympic Committee told us 'when you hold the Olympic torch you are the happiest person in the whole world'. I definitely felt that."

 In 2003 when Cong Xinzhu learned that BOOC was soliciting around the world the theme song for the 2008 Olympic Games her 10-year-long Olympic passion turned into an unstoppable urge and she composed a song called The Human Race.

  Cong Xinzhu's aim was to compose a song that was easy to sing for the general public. Cong Xinzhu thinks the song for the closing ceremony in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics has a real Olympic spirit in it. It gives people the sense that the power of sports could shake the spirit of mankind. This gave her much inspiration for her song.

  In early December 2003 the first group of recommended Olympic songs were revealed and Cong Xinzhu's The Human Race was among them.

 For Cong Xinzhu she feels more pleased to have done something for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. "To me Olympic Games do not only bring their champions moments of joy, they can also affect the life of each and every one of us. A man of life cannot do without sports and exercises. Olympic Games can bring us all closer together. That is why I say we can become overall a better person because of Olympics."

Cong Xinzhu's Olympic Passion







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