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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 第四届中国英语教学国际研讨会 > “第四届中国英语教学国际研讨会”主旨报告

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/13 15:31  外研社

  ※ 大会主旨报告

  ●Susan Gass国际应用语言学学会会长,美国印第安纳州立大学教授

  Language Teaching The role of the environment, presentation, and complexity


  Individualization, Collaboration, and Hypertextualization in China’s College English Teaching Reform


  Can Web-based Instruction Offer Enough Interaction?

  ●Simon Greenall IATEL前主席,教材专家

  Criticisms, developments, dilemmas and compromises: writing textbooks for students and their teachers


  Aspiring After Continued Teacher Development

  ●Lyle Bachman美国应用语言学学会和国际语言测试学会前主席,加州大学洛杉矶分校教授

  Validity issues in Web-based Language Assessment


  A close examination of task-based language teaching in the Chinese Context


  Cross-linguistic Factors of EFL Learning in the Chinese Context


  ●Phyllis Chew新加坡英语教师协会主席,南洋理工大学国家教育学院(副)教授、博士生导师

  Islands and Change: ELT in Singapore


  "Is the earlier, the better?" -- Investigating the effects of earlier English education in China

  ●Margaret PERCY意大利佛罗伦斯大学教授

  Emotional Intelligence in Teacher Training


  A Good Beginning is More Than half the Battle



  A Dialectic Approach in Language Learning


  Innovation in syllabus Design and Materials Development for ELT in Schools in China

  ●Printha Ellis资深EFL(英语作为外语教学)教材作者,利兹大学英国文学硕士,伯明翰大学应用语言学硕士,英国文化委员会EFL教材作者

  Placing Teaching Methodologies and Learning Strategies in Context


  New English Curriculum and Materials Development----On evaluation of teaching materials in fundamental education


  Current Trends in Syllabus Design and Materials Developments

  ●Ken Wilson资深EFL教材作者,教育部审订中小学教材《英语》(新标准)高中阶段作者之一

  Turning passive students into active learners


  Teaching as Curriculum Developmental Implementation

  ●Andrew Littlejohn英国兰卡斯特大学博士,资深EFL教材专家,现任教于伦敦大学

  Achievable innovation: how can it happen?


  Student Development, Teacher Education and FL Curriculum Theory

  ●David Newbold现任教于威尼斯大学,测试专家

  Towards portfolio: approaches to assessing speaking


  Towards a clear understanding of the language test construct


  Formative assessment----An educational view

  ●Ken Beatty现任教于香港城市大学,香港教育电视台教育顾问

  Issues in Using English to Teach Science and Science to teach English

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