Babies smiling and crying before birth | 2004/05/18 13:40 英语文摘 |
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Images published for the first time seem to suggest that unborn babies can smile, blink and cry weeks before they leave the womb. The pictures of foetuses1 about 26 weeks after conception have been captured by fourdimension scanning equipment now being employed at some clinics and teaching hospitals. Experts can now debate whether this apparent grin reflects an emotional response or is a simple physical reaction, helping prepare baby for the outside world. The smile might appear at 26 weeks development, but the new techniques clearly show limb movements at eight weeks, the foetus leaping, turning and “jumping” at 1112 weeks, intricate movement of fingers at 15 weeks and yawning at 20 weeks. Obstetrician2 Stuart Campbell, who has been using the Austriandeveloped equipment at the private Create Health Clinic, London, for two years, said: “It is remarkable that a newborn baby does not smile for about six weeks after birth. But before birth, most babies smile frequently. This may indicate the baby’s troublefree existence in the womb and the relatively traumatic3 first few weeks after birth when the baby is reacting to a strange environment.” Professor Campbell, who is also head of obstetrics and gynaecology4 at St George’s medical school, London, said: “With this new advance, there are many questions that can now be investigated. Do babies with genetic problems such as Down’s syndrome have the same pattern of activity as normal babies? Does the foetus smile because it is happy or cry because it has been disturbed by some event in the womb? Why does a baby blink when we assume it is dark inside the uterus?” The £120,000 scanner that makes this possible costs twothree times more than conventional equipment. Prof Campbell thinks he was the first to use it in Britain. The machine develops ultrasound so that it can be transformed and shaded to produce detailed surface features from the foetus which move in real time. - |
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出生前婴儿的喜怒哀乐 |
首次公布的图像表明:婴儿在出生前数周好像就会微笑、眨眼和大哭。目前,一些诊所和教学医学院使用四维成像设备获取了胎儿在子宫内孕育26周后的图像。 现在专家们可以争论胎儿会笑的现象了。到底胎儿露齿而笑是一种情绪反应还是一般的为帮助胎儿为出生后适应外部世界做好准备的生理反应。 胎儿可能在发育26周之后才会笑。但是新技术清楚地表明胎儿在发育第8周时就开始肢体活动了,在第11至12周时就会跳跃与转动躯体,在第15周时手指就有复杂的活动,在第20周时就会打哈欠。斯图亚特·坎贝尔是伦敦一家私人生育保健诊所的产科医生,两年来他一直使用奥地利研制的这种成像设备,他说:“新生儿在出生后6周还不会笑的现象值得我们注意。但是在出生前,大多数胎儿会时常微笑,这可能意味着胎儿在子宫中无忧无虑不受干扰,而胎儿出生后前几周内对‘奇怪的环境’作出反应,受到相对的‘创伤’,所以就不再笑了。” 坎贝尔还是伦敦圣乔治医学院产科与儿科的主任,他说:“有了这一新发现,对很多问题现在就可以研究了。有遗传问题的胎儿(比如说患了唐氏综合症)是否与正常胎儿有着同样的活动模式?胎儿微笑是不是因为他高兴,而他大哭是不是因为他受到子宫内某种情况的打扰?我们认定子宫内是黑暗的,那么为什么胎儿会眨眼?”坎贝尔使用的新设备造价12万英镑,比普通扫描设备的价格要高出两到三倍。坎贝尔教授称自己在英国是第一个使用这种设备的人,这种设备能产生超声波,从而转换为影像,展现出胎儿在动态中表面动作的详细情况。 (周陈 摘译自 Sep. 13, 2003) |
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