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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > TSE > 网友原创:2004.5.15北语TSE全记录

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/19 15:33  寄托天下


  一. Discribing pictures

  图1. 一堆人参加自行车比赛

  图2. 两个男孩碰在一起了

  图3. 一个男的跌倒在地,左腿碰在地上,自行车压在他的身上

  图4. 有工作人员将他抬上担架,推进救护车

  图5. 一个漂亮女医生拿着X光照片给他看,腿率断了

  图6. 男的躺在床上,腿上帮着绷带,看电视,电视里演的自行车比赛的节目

  二. Topic about pictures

  Some people think that sport activities are very dangerous and could lead to unnecessary injury. What’s your opinion on sport activities?

  三. Topic

  One technology in your field greatly influences the life of human beings. Please tell advantages and disadvantages

  四. Topic

  Some people like to share their home with some adult like their older parent or their grow-up children. Is this will become a trend in your society?

  五. Graph 2lines

  The graph demonstrates the percentage of renter and people who own house in US.

  Continuous line presents the people who rent house

  Dotted line presents the people who own house

  Continuous line start in 1910 at 60. Gradually decreased to 30 in 1970, then remain stable 1970-1990

  Dotted line start in 1910 at 30, steadily increased to 70 in 1970. Then remain stable 1970-1990

  prior to 1930, there are more people want to rent house rather than own a house.

  After 1930, this trend was revsed.

  六. Topic about graph

  Some people intends that location is the most important factors of choosing a house. What’s your opinion on this issue?

  七. Function language

  Some people organized a book reader group. every month take one lunch time together to discuss what the book they like. A person asked you to join.

  1) express thanks to the person ask you to join the group

  2) tell what kind book you interested

  3) explain what benefit would bring to yourselves if you take part in the group

  八. Function language—complain

  Mr. Jackson ordered a lamp in your store. But she canceled the order in same day she ordered two weeks ago. The cancellation number is 7001.

  1) show you recognize the problem

  2) find a way to deal with the problem

  九. Function language

  You ask to make a progress report. Your company will build a warehouse, This needs the government's approval.

  1) Finalize the construction plan for the permission application

  2) Submit to the city committee

  3) The city committee approval

  4) Pay the permission fee

  5) Get the permission license



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