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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语辅导报社专栏 > 英语辅导报高中一年级版:第18单元重点词语辨析

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/24 10:54  英语辅导报

  一、off; away

  1.off adv. 离,距;离开,走开;脱离,断掉;休假;与……相隔

  Please take off your overcoat.请脱掉你的大衣。

  I'll take a day off.我要请一天假。

  2.away adv.离,远离;立即

  He is away in the countryside.他下乡去了。

  That village is three kilometers away from here.那个村子离这儿3公里。

  I'll come right away. 我马上就来。

  二、be made up of; be made of; be made from; be made into; be made in

  1.be made up of由……构成

  That country is made up of ten states.那个国家由十个州构成。

  2.be made of 由……制成(制成品中看得出原材料)

  The window is made of class.这窗子是由玻璃制成的。

  3.be made from由……制成(制成品中看不出原材料)

  Cloth is made from cotton.布是由棉花制成的。

  4.be made into被制成……

  Leaves can be made into paper.纸可由树叶制成。

  5.be made in由……(地方)制造

  This machine was made in China.这台机器是由中国制造的。

  三、be famous for; be famous as

  1.be famous for因……而著名

  Beijing is famous for many places of interest.北京以许多名胜古迹而著称。

  2.be famous as 作为……是出名的

  He is famous as a writer.作为一个作家他是有名气的。

  四、discover; invent

  1.discover vt. 发现(指发现本来存在但不为人所知的事物)

  They discovered the land in 1960.他们于1960年发现这块陆地。

  2.invent vt.发明(指通过科学的方法创造新的事物)

  He invented this tool in 1995. 1995年他发明了这个工具。

  五、most; mostly

  1.most adj.最多的,多数的;n. 最大量;adv.最

  Who got the most votes?谁得到的票数最多?

  Most people think so. 多数人这么想。

  2.mostly adv.主要地;大部分

  She is mostly out on Sundays.星期天她多数不在家。

  六、make up; make out

  1.make up 弥补;编造;组成

  You should make up for the lost time. 你应弥补失去的时间。

  Can you make up a dictionary? 你会编字典吗?

  Five members make up this group.这个组由五个成员组成。

  2.make out 理解;辨认

  I can't make out the meaning of the passage.我不能理解这段文章的意思。

  I can't make out whose voice it is. 我辨认不出这是谁的声音。

  七、all over; all through; all along; all the time; all the way

  1.all over遍及;遍布(强调地理范围,后接地点名词)

  Football is played all over the world.世界各地都踢足球。

  2.all through贯穿(强调时间长度,后接时间名词)

  I'll stay here all through the night.我要呆在这儿整整一个晚上。

  3.all along一直;总是(强调时间)

  She is kind to me all along.她一直对我很好。

  4.all the time一向;通常

  She is strict with herself all the time.她一直严格要求自己。

  5.all the way一路;沿途(强调路途)

  He ran all the way home. 他一路跑回家。

  八、in possession of; in the possession of; take the possession of

  1.in possession of占有

  I'm in possession of this house.我拥有这幢房子。

  Are you in possession of this factory?这是你开的工厂吗?

  2.in the possession of (某物)被某人占有

  This shop is in the possession of Li Ping.这家商店为李平所有。

  3.take the possession of占有;占领

  The soldiers took the possession of the enemy's position at last.战士们最终占领了敌人的阵地。

  (文/郝昌明;英语辅导报高中一年级版 03~04学年第37期; 版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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