小作家梦工厂:My Grandfather's Garden |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/26 13:32 英语辅导报 |
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My grandfather has a small garden. There are many flowers in it. I think all the flowers are beautiful. My grandfather gets up early every mor-ning. First, he goes to his garden to have a look at the flowers. Then, he waters them. When he waters the flowers, he feels very happy. My sister and I like the garden very much. We often play in it. Sometimes we water the flowers and catch worms for them. One day, my brother picked a flower. My grandfather was very angry and sad. He said to my brother, "My child, don't pick the flowers. That's not a good deed(行为). " My brother felt very sorry for that. And we all didn't pick flowers from then on. The flowers in my grandfather's garden are more and more beautiful now. I like my grandfather's garden. 博学先生点评台:陶宇同学向大家描写了爷爷的花园,虽没有太多华丽的词语,但能使读者感受到花园的美丽和花儿的芳香。通过描写爷爷对花园的精心料理以及对弟弟的教育,能看出本篇文章不仅仅是写爷爷的花园,也从字里行间中看出了小作者对爷爷的敬佩之情。文章条理清楚、意思连贯,没有语法错误,是一篇很成功的文章,希望陶宇同学再接再励!文章级别:A。 (文/陶宇;英语辅导报小学五年级版 03~04学年第38期; 版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。) |
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