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选择你所喜欢的Pick what you like
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/27 10:14  英语沙龙

  编者按:斯蒂芬·范怀克(Stephen Van Wyck)先生是一位普通的外籍教师,在中国已经从事了8年的英语教学工作。他的热情、执著和生动活泼的授课方式,让英美文学课成了他的学生们的最爱。如果我们把英语语言学习当作一把打开西方大门的钥匙,那么英美文学的学习无疑是深入了解西方历史和文化背景的有效方式。但是目前,较之日渐高涨的英语学习热潮,英美文学的学习似乎冷寂了许多。范怀克先生对此怎么看呢?

  E Huiyuan: What attracted you to come to China as a teacher of literature?

  Stephen Van Wyck:I first taught English in China in 1994, in Bengbu, Anhui Province. It was a summer job, lasting five weeks. I knew very clearly this was what I liked and wanted, so I returned to China one year later. I like the freedom and dignity associated with this work. Within clearlydesigned boundaries, one has a large measure of personal and professional autonomy. Without having to deal with the trauma1 of severe competition, one can nonetheless struggle hard to achieve one’s own professional goals. Pay is low, but the professional, students, and “quality of life” rewards are great. Besides, I like Xinjiang and Qinghai very much, on account of their remote and beautiful mountains and deserts.

  E: Nowadays, more and more Chinese people are keen on English, but many of them only pay attention to the practical side of English, ignoring the improvement of their literary accomplishments. According to their opinions, learning English means only some knowledge of practical English and the ability to talk in English. Do you agree with them?

  Stephen Van Wyck:It all boils down to2 motivation. Raw, naked motivation accounts for at least 50% of learning a language. Have it, and you can go anywhere; have it not, and your language learning is futile1. English learning in China (and in many other parts of the world) is inextricably linked to getting and holding a job. We live in a very utilitarian age, where English as a practical tool is considered of more worth than an aesthetic appreciation of literature, culture or history. The “zeitgeist2” is largely, very largely in favor of upward economic mobility. Therefore, “literary appreciation” is discarded as superfluous3 according to the present philosophy, this is reasonable. “What is the use of this” will be asked by many students, who are careerminded. I think this is doomed to fail, because the underlying “philosophy of English learning” in China,that is learning English is only a “tool” to social economic improvement, is following a different drummer, and will not be led in a new direction.

  E: Quite a few students prefer reading simplified editions of British and American masterpieces or even replacing reading of masterpieces with revised films. What do you say about this phenomenon?

  Stephen Van Wyck:It is alright, if you accept the following conditions: First, you only want a broad, brief idea of the story. Second, your English is not too good, making a reading of the original work difficult or impossible. Third, you clearly recognize and admit that you are reading/watching a summary, and not “the real thing”! Otherwise, you are degrading beauty and truth.

  E: Could you give some suggestions or advice to our readers who love English and British and American literature?

  Stephen Van Wyck:As an English teacher, I believe in encouraging my students to synthesize4 language, not only memorize it. I also ask them to not laugh at each other, lest certain students be afraid of speaking English. I am very happy that some Chinese students like reading literature work. Read it on your own terms, away from the clutter of “undesirable others.” You have your whole life ahead of you: pick what you like; you can’t have it all. Follow your heart, not what others say you must do. Read for fun and personal interest, not for externalities such as grades, diplomas, “professional upgrading,” and the like. Do not read to memorize  that is a “ hard disk's” responsibility; read to enjoy and learn on your terms  that is a human being’s gift, like the air we are given to breathe. Do it yourself; few people will help you on your terms.

  E: Have you ever read any English version of Chinese literature? Which literature work of which writer do you like best? And why?

  Stephen Van Wyck:Shen Congwen in English. I read some stories about his unconventional childhood in Hunan, when he was avoiding school. His writing was very vivid. Alas, I have read no more of him!

选择你所喜欢的Pick what you like



  鄂:如今, 越来越多的中国人热衷于学习英语,但许多人只注重英语的实用性,而忽视了自身文学修养的加强。他们认为,学英语不过就是学一些实用英语的知识,或是能够用英语交谈。您同意他们的观点吗?







  斯蒂芬·范怀克:我很喜欢沈从文的作品。我读过一些他的故事,记述他在湖南逃学的不同寻常的童年生活。他的描写非常生动活泼。真可惜,我就读过这些! (本文未经许可不得转载)

  □本刊记者 鄂慧媛

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