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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Firm to offer films for youths

Firm to offer films for youths
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/27 11:29  Shanghai Daily

  China's first film distributor for youngsters, the United Circus, was launched yesterday by showing its first film "Ting Glob Village" in local Jincai Middle School.

  The company aims to show healthy films for local youths in both cinemas and schools.

  "Our 41 cinemas are far from many schools, which keeps films faraway from youths," said Xu Xiaoping, general manager of the city's leading United Cinema Lines. "We will air films in auditoriums and lecture halls in 97 schools, and most of the films are excellent. It's the media's responsibility to pay attention to youngsters' education, and we don't expect to earn any profit."

  United Cinema Lines will rent new films to schools for only 700 to 800 yuan per copy.

  The State Administration of Radio, Film and TV has issued "clean screen" rules to reduce the negative impacts that violent or sexy movies have on children. United Circus, founded by the city's leading United Cinema Lines and the Shanghai Education Commission, is one of the measures set up to provide healthy entertainment for youths.

  East Movie Channel will start a new program named "Youth Cinema" to show films fit for youngsters on weekends.


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