第四届《中国人唱外国歌》大赛评分规则 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/28 11:49 北京市民讲外语活动组委会 |
评分规则Scoring Rules 语言发音: 评定歌手原文发音的准确度。 (由歌曲所在国评委评定分数) Pronunciation: based on how accurate the singer pronounces the orginal lyrics. (Judges from the song’s country of origin will do the scoring) 旋律音准: 评定歌手音高的准确度。 Accuracy of the Melodic Range: based on how well the singer captures the melodic range of the song. 演唱技巧: 评定歌手演唱的专业技巧。 Singing Technique: based on how professional the performer’s singing technique is. 歌曲表现力:评定歌手对演唱曲目的表达能力。 Expressiveness: based on the singer’s ability to convey the feeling and the sentiment of the song to the audience. 舞台表演: 评定歌手舞台表演的能力。 Stage Performance: based on the singer’s stage appearance and accompanying visual effects. 综合:综合以上评分,评定歌手的整体水平。 Overall: based loosely on the above scores, the score for the overall performance. |
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