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Train crashes into cargo truck
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/10 10:47  Shanghai Daily

  A truck carrying a load of cement hit a freight train at a railway junction on Changzhong Road, Hongkou District at around 2:15pm yesterday, city police said.

  No one was injured during the accident.

  The truck driver, who is not a native of Shanghai, should take full responsibility for the accident, according to an official from the local railway police department, who refused to give his name. The driver allegedly tried to rush through the unmarked junction ahead of the train.

  "He had attempted to avoid the crash by braking hard, but failed, because the truck was overloaded," the official said.

  The official added that the truck was carrying 32 tons of cement at the time of the crash despite a cargo limit of only 12 tons.

  Witnesses said the train crashed into the rear of the truck and knocked it over.

  "Police soon arrived on the scene and took the driver to the police station for further investigation," said a dispatcher surnamed Gu who was working at the junction.

  The train, which carried seven freight cars of cement and three of steel, was traveling from north to south when the crash occurred, he added.

  Jianzhong construction Material Company, an outdoor steel trading market, is also responsible for the accident, authorities said.

  The junction, which passes through the company, is still under construction so the company is duty-bound to manage security issues, officials said.

  "However, there are no necessary warning facilities such as bars, lights or sign boards at the junction," said a company employee.

  Local traffic cops are urging drivers to be more safety-conscious as nine major road accidents have happened in the past week, resulting in nine deaths.

  About 30 percent of the accidents occurred in the afternoon, authorities said.


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