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冷血的谋杀 Cold-Blooded Murder
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/11 10:59  英语广场

  This is a case even Sherlock Holmes1 might have found difficult to solve. In 1991, two hikers2 discovered a man's body preserved3 in ice high in the mountains of Italy. Scientists determined that the frozen corpse4 was at least 5,300 years old. They even gave the “iceman” a cool nickname, “Otzi”, after the region where he was found.

  At first, it looked as if Otzi had frozen to death in a snowstorm in the Alps. Researchers now believe the prehistoric iceman was murdered. The scientists say Otzi was shot in the back with an arrow and then died, possibly after fighting with his murderer or murderers.

  How did scientists reach their conclusion? First, the scientists took DNA samples from the iceman. DNA is the substance that makes up the genes of living things. Then the scientists compared that DNA with traces of blood found on Otzi's clothing and weapons. The tests revealed5 that the blood came from four other humans.

  The results of previous tests showed a stone arrowhead buried in his left shoulder, indicating Otzi was the victim6 of foul7 play. Studies of Otzi's hands, ribs8, and wrists revealed stab wounds and bruises9, which he might have suffered as he tried to fend off attackers. He was clutching10 a knife blade as he lay bleeding to death. “He was in a combat11 situation for between 24 to 48 hours before he died.” said scientist Tom Loy.

  这可能是一例福尔摩斯也难侦破的案件。1991年,两位徒步旅行者在意大利的高寒山区发现了一具冰封完好的男尸。科学家们断定这具冷冻尸体至少历时5300年,他们还以发现尸体的地名给这位“冰人”起了一个很酷的绰号“奥兹 ”。





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