新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 美国:效忠国家还是效忠政党(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/14 14:09  北京青年报


  In most public schools in the US, and in many private ones as well, American children begin the day by standing beside their desk, placing their hand over their heart and reciting these words: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." This is the "Pledge of Allegiance", which has formed a major element in patriotic education since 1942, when it was officially recognized by Congress and commended to educators.

  The pledge was first formulated in 1891 by Francis Bellamy, a Protestant minister involved in socialist politics. He wanted to instill in young Americans a sense of mutual political commitment that crossed ethnic and class boundaries. He lived in a time when the country was straining to absorb a huge and diverse influx of European immigrants. The late 19th century also witnessed the rise of immense personal fortunes and powerful corporations that seemed to place too much power in the hands of the wealthy. Bellamy considered adding "equality" to "liberty and justice" in the pledge, but decided there would be too many objections from those afraid it might be taken to include economic equality.

  Originally the pledge did not include the words "under God"; Congress added the phrase in 1954. Recently this addition has been challenged in court, and we shall soon see whether the Supreme Court decides that reciting "under God" in public schools violates the separation of church and state laid down in the Constitution. Any such ruling would set off a storm of protest.

  But today's cartoon is not really about the wording or propriety of the Pledge of Allegiance. David Horsey is using the quarrel, which at heart is about the kind of country America should be, to comment on the great chasm that has opened between left and right, Democrats and Republicans, during George Bush's polarizing presidency. (Ironically, states that reliably vote Republican are described as "red", while Democratic turf is "blue"!) Both the tubby jar-headed Republican man and the sharp-featured Democratic woman have altered the Pledge of Allegiance to reflect their political views.






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