新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 双语秀:美国国旗纪念日(6月14日)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/16 10:37  河南报业网-大河报

  The United States did not have a standardized flag until 1912. Called the ″Stars and Stripes″ or ″Old Glory″ the flag is one of the most complicated in the world. No other flag needs 64 pieces of fabric to make. The current flag has 13 red and white alternating stripes representing the original 13 states and 50 stars each star represents one of the states of the Union on a blue background.


  The American flag has also changed designs more than any other flag in the world. The first flag called the Grand Union was first flown at the headquarters of the Continent Army on January 1 1776. Betsy Ross a seamstress is said to have contributed to this design. She had an upholstery business which made flags for navy ships in Pennsylvania. A legend still persists that she showed George Washington how to make a five-pointed star and suggested thirteen stars in a circle for the first flag. Actually she and George Washington never met George Washington did design the Grand Union.

  美国国旗在图案设计上也改变过多次,比世界上其他任何一个国家都多。第一面国旗被称作“伟大联盟”,1776年1月1日首次飘扬在美国陆军司令部的大楼上。一名叫Betsy Ross的女裁缝据说是这面国旗的设计者。她有一个室内装潢公司,专门为宾夕法尼亚州海军的军舰制作旗帜。还有传说说,在制作第一面国旗时,她曾专门为乔治·华盛顿总统展示怎样制作五角星,还建议四面环绕13颗星。而实际上,乔治·华盛顿总统根本就没接见过她!“伟大联盟”的设计者实际上是华盛顿总统。

  On June 14 1777 the Continental Congress proposed that the United States have a new national flag instead of the old one. The 13 stars of the flag represented the 13 new states. There were few public ceremonies honoring the Stars and Stripes until 1877 when on June 14 it was flown from every government building in honor of the centennial of the adoption of a national flag. In 1890North Dakota and New Jersey made a law that required their schools to fly the flag daily. The first official Flag Day was observed in Philadelphia Pennsylvania in 1893. New York also proclaimed June 14 as Flag Day 1897. Other states were slow to follow. Some people thought that the day was too close to Memorial Day and Independence Day.


  In August 1949 President Harry S. Truman proclaimed June 14 as Flag Day. Since then the President proclaims the commemoration yearly and encourages all Americans in the country to display the Stars and Stripes outside their homes and businesses. Individual states determine how they will observe the day. In Pennsylvania and American Samoa it is a public holiday. Usually the flag is flown from all public buildings speeches are made in public places and ceremonies take place in towns or cities.


  李荩 编译


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