牛栏里的雄鹿 | |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/17 15:05 新浪教育 | |
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The hart in the ox-stall A hart was being pursued by some dogs. It ran into an ox-stall, and hid itself in a truss of hay. Only the tips of its horns could be seen. Soon after the hunters came to the stable, and asked if anyone had seen the hart. The stable boys looked around, but could see nothing. So the hunters went away. Later the master came in. He looked around, and saw that something unusual was there. He pointed to the truss of hay, and asked, "What are those two strange things?" When the stable boys went to look, they discovered the hart. | |
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牛栏里的雄鹿 | |
●一只雄鹿被猎狗追赶得很急,跑进牛栏里,躲在一大堆干草里面,只有鹿角尖露在外面。 ●猎人们很快来到牛栏,询问是否有人看到这头鹿。牧童们四处张望,什么也没有看到,于是猎人们走了。 ●不久,主人回来了,他四处检查时,觉得有些异常。 ●他指着那堆干草问:“那两个怪模怪样的东西是什么?”牧童们上前来翻寻,发现了那只鹿。 寓意: 在逃避一种危险时,不要忽视另一种危险。
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