Get wind of something | | 2004/06/30 10:10 笨小孩英语网 | |
语音讲解: 【听力问题】 What did Mrs. Smith realize? a. The TV is broken. b. She is just a nurse. c. She heard about the scandal unexpected. 【原句再现】 Mrs. Smith was shielded from the news of the scandal by her in-house nurse, who kept the television under lock and key. Somehow Mrs. Smith got wind of the impeachment. 老夫人对发生丑闻的事完全不知情,因为她的家庭看护把电视机锁住了,可是老夫人不知打哪儿听到了弹劾案的消息。 【短语解析】 Get wind of something, 得到...的风声。 补充短语:wind (up) one's watch, 给手表上发条; wind a handle, 转动把手。
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