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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/01 15:51  英语辅导报



  I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure)


  1. Although the girl is only eight years old, she can do the cooking herself. The word "herself" in the sentence means ______.

  A. by her B. without help C. lonely D. along

  答案:B。本题考查词语的替换或者说词义的准确理解。根据上下文,这里的herself可替换为by herself, alone或without help等,所以正确答案为B。

  2. After making such a fool of myself, I'll never be able to show my face in there again. The Chinese for "show my face" in this sentence is ______.

  A. 做秀 B. 丢脸 C. 尊严 D. 露面

  答案:D。本题为词义猜测题。此种情况下最忌讳的就是从字面意思去理解,而应结合具体的语境去整体理解。本题全句意为"在出了这样的洋相之后,我将再也不能在那里露面(或亮相)。" 所以正确答案为D。

  3. Li Xiuming was______to stay at home for______two weeks because he had visited a suspected(疑似) SARS patient in May.

  A. told; at least B. saying; less

  C. speaking; mostly D. talked; almost

  答案:A。本题考查被动语态和副词的用法。tell sb. to do sth.句型的被动式为:Sb.+be told to do sth.。其它选项中的词语不能用于该句型。从第二空看,mostly不能修饰two weeks,less要后加than才能修饰名词,almost虽能修饰two weeks,但talked不符,且根据医疗常识:与非典病人有接触史的人应被隔离"两周以上",所以正确答案为A。

  4. Amy, you may go skating after your homework ______.

  A. has finished B. will finish

  C. is finished D. was finished


  5. It took the scientists seven days to______ Takla Makan______"the sea of death".

  A. climb; calling B. through; called

  C. across; naming D. cross; named

  答案:D。本题主要考查词语辨析。本句为"It takes sb. some time to do sth."句型。第一空应选择动词,through和across均为介词,B、D两项应予以排除。第二空无论使用call还是name,均应使用过去分词形式,所以正确答案为D。

  6. There is only one ticket for both of us.____you ____I can go into the cinema.

  A. Both; and B. Not only; but also

  C. Either; or D. Neither; nor

  答案:C。本题考查关联词的选择。第一句告诉我们:两个人只有一张票,故只有一人能去。either...or...意为"要么……要么……",表示选择关系;both...and...意为"……和……都";not only...but also意为"不仅……而且";neither...nor...意为"既不……也不……"。所以正确答案为C。

  7. David told me______important information he ______on the Internet.

  A. what an; searched B. what; got

  C. how; typed D. how an; downloaded

  答案:B。本题考查不可数名词的用法。information为不可数名词,其前不能使用不定冠词,由此可排除A和D。本句为感叹句演变而来的宾语从句,去掉主句David told me,可知:important修饰information,中心词为不可数名词,应用what修饰。所以正确答案为B。

  8. The wind is blowing______, ______rain is on the way.

  A. hard; heavy B. big; large

  C. great; most D. strong; heavily

  答案:A。本题考查形容词和副词的用法比较。第一空的词修饰动词blow,应使用副词,第二空的词修饰名词rain,应使用形容词。"大风"可以说a strong/ big wind;"大雨"可以说a heavy rain;"风刮得猛"可以说blow hard/ heavily,"雨下得大"可以说rain hard/ heavily。所以正确答案为A。

  9. If you______robbed, whom______you ask______help?

  A. will be; will; forB. will be; do; to

  C. are; will; for D. are; do; to

  答案:C。本题考查状语从句和动词时态的用法。在if引导的条件状语从句中,常用一般现在时代替一般将来时,主句应使用一般将来时。"向某人求助"为ask sb. for help。所以正确答案为C。

  10. All beepers and mobile phones must______ during the meeting______we can hear the report clearly.

  A. keep away; ever since B. not open; until

  C. be kept closed; if D. be turned off; so that

  答案:D。本题考查关联词的用法和动词词组的含义。本题解题应以第二空为突破口。会议期间寻呼机和手机必须关闭,"目的"在于我们能够清楚地听报告。so that意为"以便",表目的,所以正确答案为D。

  (文/王振祥; 英语辅导报初三版03--04学年度第45期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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