2003年中学生英语能力竞赛初赛初三组试题解答 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/13 14:49 英语辅导报 |
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同学们,你的智力测试题做得怎么样?这可是全国中学生英语能力竞赛的一大特色。这些题都是地道的、英美国家的原汁原味的题。目前,国外很重视这种题。因为语言学习的过程也是智力开发的过程,做智力测试题可以锻炼人的认知、思维和推理等能力。下面我们一起来看看这次竞赛的智力测试题吧。 VII.智力测试(IQ) 完成下列英语智力题。 96. What has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes, can tell you something, make you wake up but does not talk? 答案:A clock.什么有手没有脚,有脸没有眼睛,能告诉你事情,把你叫醒但不说话呢?那当然是A clock.了。 97. Why do we say that heat moves faster than cold? 答案:Because we can catch a cold. 为什么我们说热比冷移动得快呢?Because we can catch a cold. 这是一个脑筋急转弯题。既然冷能被“抓住”,当然是热移动得更快了! 98. Fill in the missing number and letter.
![]() 答案:O;16。同学们,仔细观察一下上下的数字和字母。你会发现以下规律:4, 7, 11,?;C, F, J,?。4+3=7,7+4=11, 依此类推,11+5=16,所以数字是16。字母也如此:C和F之间隔2个字母,F和J之间隔3个字母。J和?之间应隔4个字母。所以上面应填字母O,下面应填数字16。 99. Change one letter from each of the following words to produce a phrase. to do pea 答案:go to sea。将t改为g,将d改为t,将p改为s,就是短语go to sea。 100. Look at the picture. Please answer how many balloons are tied to post 2 or post 3 only. 答案:3。仔细观察图画,只拴到柱子2上的有1个气球,只拴到柱子3上的有2个气球,所以一共有3个,答案是3。
![]() 咱们再看看写作题吧。 VIII. 写作(Writing) 要求:1. 根据提供的图示或文字信息,适当拓展想象空间,将提供的内容灵活体现在文章或对话中;2. 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范;3. 不得少于规定的词数。
![]() (A) Jim and Susan will graduate from university. They're talking about their future plans. Susan has saved some money and wants to travel first. Then she plans to get a job and her own house. Jim's going to get a job and live with his parents. He has to pay off his student loan(贷款). Please write a dialogue between them. You should write 60 words or so. (not including the words given) 题目要求是:Jim 和Susan 将要大学毕业了。他们正在讨论他们将来的打算。Susan 攒了一些钱,打算先去旅行,然后打算找个工作,买个房子。Jim打算找个工作并和父母住在一起。他必须偿还他的学生贷款。根据上面所述内容写一篇对话。 答案如下: Jim: What are you going to do after graduation, Susan? Susan: Well, I've saved some money, and I think I'd really like to travel. Jim: Lucky you. That sounds exciting! Susan: Yeah. Then I plan to get a job and my own house. Jim: Oh, you're not going to live with your parents? Susan: No, I don't want to live with them after I start to work. Jim: I know what you mean. Susan: What about you, Jim? Do you have any plans yet? Jim: I'm going to get a job and live with my parents. I have to pay off my student loan. (文/王俊杰; 英语辅导报初三版03--04学年度第43期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。) |
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