《韦氏新世界儿童词典》词条:A部分(6) | |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/14 11:04 新浪英语 | |
abuse ① v. 1 滥用[We never abuse the privilege of lunching outside by leaving litter about. 我们在外吃午餐时,从不乱扔垃圾。]2 虐待[It is wrong to abuse animals. 虐待动物是错误的。] ② n. 滥用, 妄用, 辱骂 a•buse ① v. abused, abusing ② n. (复)abuses academic a. 教学的,学术的, 学院的[academic life 学术生涯] ac•a•dem•ic ● a. academy n. 1 私立中学 2 (音乐或艺术)专科学校 a•cad•e•my ● n. (复) acaddemies accelerate v. 催促, 促进,加速[The driver accelerated the engine. 司机加快速度。] ac•cel•er•ate ● v. accelerated,accelerating acceleration n. 催促, 促进, 加速 ac•cel•er•a•tion ● n. (复) accelerations accelerator n. 加速器(汽车中的油门踏板,负责给发动机加油) ac•cel•er•a•tor ● n. (复) accelerators accent ① n. 1 重音, 强音[The accent in “accident ” is on the first syllable. 单词“accident”的重音落在第一个音节上。]2 重音符号(重音符号(′)标在音节左上方,次重音符号(﹐)标在音节的左下方)3 口音[My grandmother speaks English with a French accent. 我的祖母说英语带有法国口音。] ② v. 1 重读[Accent the first syllable of “Washington”. 重读“Washington”这个词的第一个音节。]2 加重音符号 ac•cent ① n. (复) accents ② v. accented, accenting accept v. 1 得到[She accepted his apology. 她得到他的道歉。] 2 接受[We accept your invitation to the party. 我们接受你的邀请,会去参加宴会的。] 3 接纳, 接待[The team quickly accepted the new player. 运动队迅速接纳了这个新队员。] 4 信以为真,相信[The teacher accepted his excuse for being late. 老师相信了他的迟到理由。] ac•cept ● v. accepted, accepting acceptable a. 可接受的; 合意的[acceptable behavior 令人满意的言行举止] ac•cept•a•ble ● a. acceptance n. 1 接受,收受[the acceptance of an award 领奖] 2 认可, 赞同,相信[The theory has the acceptance of scientists. 这理论得到科学家的认可。] ac•cept•ance ● n. (复) acceptances(只适用于释义1) access n. 1 入口, 通道[The access to the park is by this road. 公园的入口处在路边。] 2 有权或机会(接近、进出或使用) [Do the students have access to a good library? 学生有机会用好图书馆吗?] ac•cess ● n. (复)accesses accessory n. 1 附属物, 附件(起装饰作用或使人感到舒适)[An air conditioner is an accessory on a car. 空调是汽车的附件。A scarf is an accessory to an outfit. 围巾是整套服装的附属装饰品。] 2 帮凶 ac•ces•so•ry ● n.(复)accessories
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