《韦氏新世界儿童词典》词条:A部分(18) | |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/14 17:13 新浪英语 | |
advice n. 忠告, 建议, 指点 ad•vice ● n. advisable a. 可取的, 明智的, 合理的 [It is advisable to use the seat belts in a car. 乘车系好安全带是很明智的做法。] ad•vis•a•ble ● a. advise v. 1 劝告, 忠告 [The doctor advised him to get enough sleep. 医生劝他要有足够的睡眠。] 2 建议[The doctor advised a long vacation. 医生建议修个长假。]3 通知,告知 [The telegram advised us that we had won the contest. 电报说,我们赢了这场竞赛。]-见词条inform的词汇选择栏。 ad•vise ● v. advised, advising adviser or advisor n. 顾问 [The pastor is a spiritual advisor. 牧师是灵魂顾问。] ad•vi•ser or ad•vi•sor ● n. (复)advisers or advisors advisory n. 气象警报 [The thunderstorm advisory will remain in effect until midnight. 大风警报要到午夜后才会解除。] ad•vi•so•ry ● n. (复)advisories advocate ① v. 拥护, 提倡, 主张 [The senator advocated the new housing law. 这参议员提出新的住房法案。] ② n. 拥护者,倡导者 ad•vo•cate ① v. advocated, advocating ② n. (复)advocates aerial ① a. 航空的,飞机的 [aerial photographs of the city 城市的航空照片] ② n. 收音机或电视天线 aer•i•al ① a. ① n. (复)aerials aerie or aery n. (筑在悬崖顶或其他高处的)鹰或其他猛禽的巢 aer•ie or aer•y ● n. (复)aeries ● aerie (aery)和airy两个词发音相同。 We saw a hawk’s aerie on the cliff. 我们看到悬崖上有个鹰巢。 The melody is light and airy. 音调优美轻柔。 aero- (前缀)空气,航空 [Aerobatics are done by an airplane in the air. 特技飞行是由飞机在空中表演的。] aerobatics n. (复数名词)特技飞行(包括翻圈飞行、滚动飞行和反面飞行) aer•o•bat•ics ● n. (复数名词)
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