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On-Campus Interviews
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/19 18:07  新浪教育

  On-campus interview is the main forum where global financial institutions recruit their entry-level employees. Universities?placement offices offer the organization, system, infrastructure and continuity to employers for their annual recruitment exercise. In large countries like the United States, where there are thousands of universities and hundreds of graduate schools of business, they are selective in choosing schools to be included in their on-campus recruitment program. Similarly in China, you can already find the footprints of some of the global investment banks like Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs. They have held career talks and small-scale interview sessions in Fudan University, China European International Business School (CEIBS), Beijing University and Tsing Hua University.

  Employer organizations coordinate on-campus interview through university’s placement office. The number of interviewers represented in the campus recruitment team varies by organization. It depends on the size of graduating class and the emphasis placed by the recruiting organization on the particular university. It may range from 2 to 6 recruiters, and each of them can interview up to 8 students per day. If the recruitment team comprised 4 interviewers, and they stay for two days, their total capacity is to conduct 64 interviews. Each cohort of graduating class obviously exceeds this number by a big margin, hence, there will always be more students interested to get on the investment bank’s and global financial institution’s interview schedule than the time slots available. Certain screening criteria are usually introduced to narrow the candidate pool. Even after this step, there will still be more candidates than what the recruiters can afford to interview. The common approach used by many of the placement offices is to ask students to prioritize the individual firms and a computer program will match the screening criteria and their preferences.

  As the Chinese financial markets open up to foreign institutions, the business scope and spectrum will be expanded, and so will the demand of human talent. Graduate schools of businesses who are vigilant in the pursuit of excellence; expand their curriculum to include topics on global financial and capital markets; attract staff from overseas faculties, including industry experts and practitioners to raise the learning curve; will be able to attract more premier global financial institutions to their campuses for recruitment.





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