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DTM,the circus comes to town
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/20 11:39  上海英文星报

  FOR the first time ever, China will witness the spectacle of DTM. Already preparations are at an advanced stage, with the tented village that will be the "home" for the teams being built in the Shadow of the Oriental Pearl Tower in the Pudong district of Shanghai.

  The circuit that will be the centre of the race has been built with giant concrete and steel barriers lining the streets that normally see few cars more powerful than the many VW Santana taxis so popular in this part of the world.

  The exciting and challenging 2.85 kilometre-long circuit has two 180 degree- and six 90 degree-turns and numerous city sights are scattered along the course, such as the aquarium at the start-finish straight and the Central Park on the back straight.

  The cars have already arrived and giant airfreight containers bringing the many spares needed line the sides of the streets. In total, 95 tonnes of equipment has been flown into the City by German airline Lufthansa. Race control centres, media centres, hospitality centres and grandstands have all been built to service the race in this beautiful and impressive part of the city.

  But soon, the peaceful environments of the luxury Grand Hyatt and Shangri La hotels will be shattered by the sound of the 480 horsepower 4,000cc V8 engines that power the cars. With racing over two days on the weekend of July 17-18, it will be a spectacle to be savoured! (Star News)


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