名人热点引句:小布什和妮可基德曼 | |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/26 10:23 北京娱乐信报 | |
Bush Bush: No matter how good our defenses are, a determined enemy can still strike us. The country still faces grave threats ,I had already undertaken to improve the country's anti-terror operations. 在9·11调查报告发布以后,面对调查委员会的指责。布什说,无论我们的防御做的有多好,那些下定决心的敌人还是会袭击我们。国家仍然面对潜在的巨大威胁,我已经尝试去改善国家反恐怖军事行动。
Hawking Hawking: There is no baby universe branching off (inside a black hole), as I once thought. The information remains firmly in our universe. I'm sorry to disappoint science fiction fans. 霍金:(黑洞里)没有我曾设想过的子宇宙分支,物质信息仍然牢牢地保存在我们这个宇宙里。我很遗憾这让科幻迷们失望了。
Nicole Kidman Nicole Kidman: I did decline, but the way my love life is, I took it as a great compliment. 奥斯卡最佳女主角获得者妮可·基德曼拒绝了迈克·杰克逊对她发出的共同出席MTV颁奖典礼的邀请。她说虽然拒绝了邀请,但这只是她一贯的生活方式而已。她仍会将其视为一种荣幸。
J.K. Rowling J.K. Rowling: I am really delighted to say that I am expecting a third baby.Book six remains well on track and, fingers crossed of course, I don't foresee any baby-related delays or interruptions.″ 《哈利·波特》的作者罗琳日前公开宣布她已经怀有第三个孩子。对于读者对第六部《哈利·波特与半血王子》的期待,她表示书籍的发行不会因此而推后。 编译 金可
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