做现场直播时记者遭劫 | |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/27 10:42 北京青年报 | |
JOHANNESBURG(Reuters) -- A South African radioreporter went a little more live than usual on Tuesdaywhen he was mugged on air for his cellphone. ReganThaw of the Johannesburg area Talk Radio 702 was aboutto deliver an on-site report from a local squatter settlement when one of the locals pulled a gun on him. "I asked him a question but got no response. I just heard shuffling and muffled voices in the background," said 702 news editor Katy Katopodis, who was on air with Thaw at the time. "He had a gun held to his head and he was told 'give me your phone' ... The man threatened to kill Regan if he didn't hand over the phone and his belongings." Thaw complied and the show went on -- without his report. (听英文53680) | |
奇闻趣事:现场直播时 记者竟遭劫 | |
约翰内斯堡:本周二,南非一广播电台的记者所做的现场直播比平时可多了点儿刺激,他在播音时遭到抢劫,目标是他的手机。约翰内斯堡地区"谈话电台702"的记者里根·索正要从一个被人擅自占住的定居点进行现场报道时,一个当地人掏出手枪对准了他。 当时在电台与索一起广播的702新闻编辑凯蒂·卡托波第阿斯回忆道:"我问了他一个问题,可是没有反应,我只听到脚步声和低沉的背景音。一支枪顶着他的头,持枪者说'把手机给我’……那人威胁里根说,如果不交出手机和随身财物就要杀死他。"索照办了,于是谈话节目继续进行,但没有了索的报道。
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