2004年7月雅思口语考试机经(二) | |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/28 09:33 无忧雅思网 | |
Describe the most important thing in your life, you should say: What? When? Where? Why you think is important for you? Does the new technology have affluences on the working paten? How? Describe your favorite house (=room) Describe a positive change in you life, you should say: What is it? What is the effect ion on you? How do you feel about it? Why it is important? 谈一下中国最近的社会变革? 你认为中国近二十年来的主要变化是什么? 你是怎样看待中国妇女地位问题的? 你认为妇女应得到怎样的工作和权利? 在中国高科技工作带来那些变化? 中国社会的主要变化是什么? 现在中国的家庭结构有什么变化? Describe 你一天中最美好的时光? 你喜欢做时间计划吗? 为什么? 你认为别人喜欢吗? 你认为别人喜欢固定的时间计划还是经常变换的? Describe your favorite city, tow or village, you should say: Where? 有什么? 将来会有什么变化? 在这些年这座城市有什么变化? 是否你想去那座城市旅游? 污染会给这座城市带来什么问题? Describe something done by yourself, you should say: What is it? Why you like it? Why you make it? How do you make it? Do other people like it? 你认为机器制造和手工的区别是什么? 手工艺的好处是什么? 你认为人们喜不喜欢手工艺? 谈谈你对生活中越来越多自动化的看法? 中国有哪些手工艺? 谈谈你对创新教育(reactive education)的看法? 在中国的教育体制中存在哪些问题? 举例说明创新能力(creative ability)? 手工艺会不会持久下去呢? 在学手工艺是不是很难了呢? 学校有教手工艺吗? 年轻人一般想学校教些什么? 如何减少目前学校存在的一些问题? Describe a popular sport, you should say: What the type is? When and where you can do it? 年轻人和老年人对运动的态度有不同吗?有什么不同? 你认为运动是为了友谊还是锻炼? 运动会造成伤害吗? 你认为一个人锻炼好还是大家一起好? 比较一下室内外运动的利弊? 你是如何看待运动器械的?利弊是什么? Describe a kind of newspaper or magazines you like to read, you should say: 什么内容? 为何喜欢? 和其他有什么不同? 你经常看它吗? 报纸与杂志的区别是什么?他们的利弊又都是什么? 作报纸和杂志的记者有什么区别? 怎样才能当个好记者? 报纸杂志与因特网有什么区别? 为什么人们愿意买报纸? 是不是现在报社有权利什么都写?是不是可以批评政府?报社是不是需要受到限制? 你是否认为报纸将会在未来失去很多的购买者?为什么? 报纸在人们生活中的重要性? 当人们想获取信息的时候,可通过什么途径? 如何看待因特网? PART1 About Studying English 1. Please give some ideas how to study English? 2. How do you think about English? 3. What do you think of English and other languages? 4. How to learn English well? / How to improve your English? 5. When did you begin to study English? 6. What is the key about studying English? 7. Is there any difficulty about studying English? 8. Why you do not study other languages? Name and Preparation 1. What is your name? 2. How can I call you? 3. Is there any special meaning of your name? 4. Do you have a job or are you a student? 5. Which subject did you study when you were in school? 6. What will you do in future? / What will you do when you graduate? / Which kind of job you want to get? 7. Have you ever changed your name? Why? 8. Do you like your name? 9. Why you want to go abroad? 10. Which specialty you will choose in future? Why? 11. What is you routine? Watching TV 1. What TV programs do you like to watch? 2. Do your parents let you watch TV as you like? Hometown 1. Where do you live in? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living there? 3. Do you like a house or a flat? 4. Compare advantages and disadvantages of house and flat? 5. What are the differences between house and flat? 6. Do you like the place where you live? 7. Do you like your hometown? 8. Whether you will leave your hometown? Why? 9. Describe your hometown? 10. Do you want to remove? 11. Could you recommend a good place to live? 12. When did you begin to live there? Health & Food 1. What are differences between people eat 20 years ago and now? 2. What do you like to eat? 3. What are the health foods? 4. Do you think Chinese eating are better or worse than before? Handcraft 1. Do you like the handcraft that made by hand or machine? Shopping 1. Who prefer shopping, men or women (boy or girl)? 2. When you go shopping? Who always go with you? 3. Which places where young people like to go shopping now? 4. Which kind of things you like to buy? 5. Do you always go shopping? 6. Where kind of places people like to go for shopping? Photograph 1. Do you like to take photographs? 2. Do Chinese people like to take photographs? 3. Which kind of photos you like to take? 4. How do you arrange your photos? 5. Are there some photos on you home's wall? 6. Do Chinese like photos? 7. Do you have some photos in the past you got? 8. Which kind of photos you like? 9. What kind of photos do Chinese like? 10. Is taking photos popular in China? Music 1. What kind of music do you like? 2. Have you ever play some instruments? 3. When do you listen to music? 4. Do children should play instruments? 5. Do you think whether children play instruments will change their thinking about music? 6. Do the instruments could change a person who plays it life?
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